Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have food issues. Actually, I have food and beverage issues.

Perhaps the error in my ways is, well, a lack of focus. It weakens over time. This week I have noticed an impact on my interaction with food and beverages. To show you how my glass is half full though I do now understand why the grocery bill is high (besides the economic explanation).

Do we all buy things, store them and then toss them? I'm talking about that mushy cucumber that was good in a salad two weeks ago but last night - not the case.

Then there's the Sunday afternoon I was making mac & cheese - from a recipe no less. Some of you still use recipes, don't you? Don't tell me if you don't. Anyway, I started out, tripling the recipe as this was for a funeral dinner the next day. All was going according to plan and then the phone rang. I thought I could talk to a distraught individual for one hour and thirty-three minutes and everything would work out fine, at both ends.

Uh-huh. Come Monday Ed was headed to the store to get something to take to the church for the dinner while back at home he was CHOOSING to eat mac & cheese that was good, just a bit too wet. I put in too much milk. It thickened but not enough to be taken anyplace other than our own fridge and then his plate. He likes it. God made a good match when he put the two of us together. Like mac & cheese...

Then today - the corker. I am addicted to Folger's mocha chocolate drink mix which I notoriously use every morning, in my java, to make my fake, cheap version of a good coffee drink. I like it. It's convenient. Well, the aforementioned Ed is out of town so there was still coffee in the pot this afternoon when I came home. What the heck - a mid-day treat of a second fake, cheap coffee drink. After all, I live as if I am living right, Shawn Johnson won DWTS, a new dinosaur has been found, the dogs are happy. I think it's time.

With caution I set the spoon to the side, on the lid of the powder mix container, knowing that I was going to add the coffee to the mix in the cup and then heat it up and THEN stir. Instead I added the coffee to the mix in the container.

I was on the phone, trying to do more than I should.

If you see me on the road and on the phone get out of the way.
Consider yourself warned.

In the meantime I uncovered an article about Hell's Kitchen in Minneapolis and Duluth and heard a radio article about a place called Crema (sp) in Portland, OR. Both are coffee shops with comfort food, albeit breakfast things like gooey pastries. Maybe a road trip is in order after all...a little special coffee and a honkin' cinnamon roll - now we're talkin'!

bonus entry:

This is "A", one of the workers in our yard, putting in a dog-friendly rock...I was trying to take a shot of his pony tail. Obviously I thought it was longer than it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not a bad shot Kate. Funny. Hey I am thinking about buying a mini cooper. I am going to test drive one this weekend with my mother. That will be a riot. The two of us think alike accept she is 25 years my senior. We'll find some hot salesman in his 60's (compromise) to talk to (geriatric equivalent to a ski instructor). Anyway hope your having a good week!