Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day - May Day!

In CA I have a cousin who turns "my age" today, minus 5 months, of course. But she's reached the point where she has earned the right to say no without anyone questioning her. When I called her this evening I explained it took me all day to find the magnifying glass I needed to read her phone number in the address book. And, I did hope she noticed that the Sec'y of Health, etc., has ruled we should all sing "Happy Birthday". To heck with the notion that it is to be done in concert with washing your hands and that when you complete the song you know you washed long enough to kill any weird things lingering on your skin.

Another cousin, in TX is trying to convince me HE sewed new curtains for the bathroom. He included photos in the email message. Oddly enough the one he's holding up to assure that the fabric is not see-through does show that the scalloped trim is already on the bottom edge. One would think he would not have gone that far before testing the fabric. I'm skeptical. But the pictures were interesting. I've warned him I'd post it.

So this evening I'm watching "The Devil Wears Prada" and I see in the "out takes" that the luggage Ms. Streep had with her as she awited a return flight from Miami to NYC was really Prada, worth $70,000.

That leads me to wondering what the word "worth" is all about. A hatbox, a makeup case, and a suit bag...that's $70k. I could have bought 3 of my first houses and still have had money to pay a couple years of taxes on them, back when I was the age of the young assistant in this movie. Yipes.

In fact, the house I live in now...well, suffice it to say,...I'd rather have it than a complete set of those bags. For one thing, they were crocodile and I don't think they needed to be. Next, the dogs would find them interesting and deem them "new toys".

My (step)daughter works in the high, high, did I mention high?, fashion world, in NYC, as a Marketing VP. She dismisses more little black dresses in one season than I've owned in my life. She travels globally and has lunch with people like Stevie Nicks and goes to functions with NBA and/or NFL players. Thankfully she comes from solid stock and is "herself", regardless.

Maybe I'm watching the movie to relate more. But I still don't have a definition of "worth" that is worth much in the Prada world. One character referred to "inner self" early's not what you wear; that sort of message. He was being sarcastic.

So, May Day - a cry for help! How does "stuff" get to be worth so much? It just cannot be. That's why our country - heck, our world, is where it is. We assigned worth to that which is not worth much. Let's get it straight.

To Linda Sue - may the towel you wear over your flannel shirt and jeans as you feed your grandson his early dinner be a statement of your worth. Happy Birthday.

To Ralph, aka ST - may the curtains you sorta wore, sorta made - whatever that was, be a sign of what you are worth to us, your willingness to sorta expose your humor at your own expense.

To TL-G, may the ever-changing wardrobe find its way to the back of the closet as your true worth bursts through the seems. I'm still fascinated by how much you look like Darryl Hannah.

Love to each of you.

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