Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Do You Call...

The Chinese may make the toys kids play with, the dishes we eat off of, the floor we walk on, but they will not be making comments on this blog. I have had to invoke the "right to refuse posting" of comments.

I tell you that because this posting is about a game created decades ago after a huge dinner and a "little" wine, and a long drive home (riding as a passenger). It's corny but fun. We own it. But you can play and I encourage you to do so in the comments section.

Here's how it goes:

First, you either need a map of a state or need to be very familiar with the towns/villages/cities of a state. Often this is the state in which you live. This is the part that could turn this into an educational tool for all you teachers.

Next, the first player thinks up a question and answer and presents just the question to other players. Two or more can play. The question is "What do you call a town where all the residents are little Angelina Jolie's?" In this case the answer is "Joliet" as if they are "Joliettes"...

No body said it had to be anything other than corny and the more groans the better. Of course, proper wording of the question is key. "What do you call a town where all Santa's elves finish this phrase, 'No____.'?" The answer is "Pekin" as in "peekin'" as in ...duh, at the Christmas presents.

And, Whaddaya or whatcha is not acceptable. PLEASE, proper grammar is important. Come up with a few.


Anonymous said...

"What do" you versus "Waddaya"? Okay,fine. But, since when have you become so "proper"? You have grown up, you say? Well, Waddaya know!!!!!!

Unknown said...

What do you call a town where water oozes out of the ground nearby amongst the corn rows?

Unknown said...

What do you call a town named after the guy who brings the food?

Unknown said...

The moon is made of blue cheese.
This town has a large pile of dirt.

Unknown said...

This is the town you want to be in when your truck needs a new tranny.

Unknown said...

This is the town whose name the sailor shouted when the ship first approached Plymouth Rock.

Unknown said...

This is the town where Santa grows his whiskers.

Unknown said...

Sometimes, making one of these towns leads you to the wrong conclusion.

Unknown said...

this town, along with "half" or "nit" could aptly describe some cousins.

Unknown said...

Sometimes the farmer lives in the country. Sometimes not. Where then does he live?

Unknown said...

Some people, you might say, are a brick or two short of a full load. These people you would never say are the name of this town.

Unknown said...

Her brother Mo had recently taken ill and was admitted to the local hospital. When asked how he was doing, she replied __________.

Unknown said...

If you want your flashlight to work properly, the battery has to be in this town.

Unknown said...

Throw in this town before going to bed or you could wake up somewhere else.

Kate said...

Guy who brings the food - DECATUR
Moon/Dirt - BLUE MOUND
wrong conclusion - ASSUMPTION
I'll work on the others that are correctly presented.
Somebody didn't follow the rules each time, CUZ.

Unknown said...

by KJH
Gorgeous photo!
Dazzlingly beautiful and magnificent.
You might say it is characterized by virtuosic brilliance.
And it's in black and white.
I'll end by saying it's purty too.

Unknown said...

For those entries not in the form of a question, add the following"
What is the name of the town?


picky picky picky

linda green said...

Santa's whiskers-Beardstown

Anonymous said...

Truck needs new tranny/ Mechanicsburg?

Anonymous said...

Water oozes out of the ground/corn rows-Springfield?

Anonymous said...

Farmer lives in Farmersville

Anonymous said...

Half or nit/ Dewitt

Anonymous said...

Mo/ taken ill-her reply-"he has his Momence"-Ha! might not be right but its a good one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so what happened to the format of, listen carefully, WHAT DO YOU CALLL A TOWN WHERE?

Holy Moly!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Beardstown - Santa's whiskers correct
Springfield - Water oozin' correct
Farmer City - Farmer lives in (Close)
Witt - half or nit (halfwit rather than halfdewitt)
Moweaqua - Mo, ill in the hospital was feeling ...moweaqua.

Goodness, so many are critiquing my formatting. I must be more diligent in my efforts.
So how about the flashlight town?
And the town where you get your truck fixed. Whoops, do those need to be rewritten? How about Plymouth Rock town? And the one brick short town?

Unknown said...

Okay, so what happened to the format of, listen carefully, WHAT DO YOU CALLL A TOWN WHERE?

Holy Moly!!!!!!

Dear Anonymous (aka Holy Moly),
The answer to your question is.... The format was last seen in a town called Winnebago on its way to Pocahontas.

I noticed you have three L in CALLL. Is this Illinoisian speak? :-)
Now the question is, will this one get through the censor?
Yung Cho

Kate said...

We're in trouble now.
What do you call a town where every one looks out over a land space usually associated with Dale?
What do you call a town where every house is made of timber?
What do you call a town where people have had enough and couldn't handle anything else without becoming ill?


What do you call a town where everyone rides around on or in vehicles with tires?


What do you call a town where the caffiene has had such an effect on people they combine words.


What do you call a town with a huge rock pile?

Boulder Hill

Take that, RT

Kate said...

Sailor yelled "EUREKA".
Only smart folks come from BRIGHTON.
Batteries - how about Energy?

Linda G. said...

Ralphie- I DID answer the one about the truck-Mechanicsburg!!!

Yep, I am foward enough to call you Ralphie even tho I don't KNOW you KNOW you. I just that kind of girl.

And, if you don't comply with proper formatting I will ask Kate to bar you from playing this very creative game, created by two very classy chics.

Linda G said...

What you call a town where they won't let you stop having kids until you have a boy?


Unknown said...

Dear Kate Johnson Hein,

It is my understanding that you are CINC TOWN and co-author of the intriguing game of Town Geography. As much as I enjoy contributing to your collection of nonsensical riddles, I must, nevertheless, submit my resignation for the game. I find your rules much too complex for me to understand, much less follow. If you, at some future time, decide to relax the rules so that the common-man can play along, I'll be here playing either jacks or Old Maid.

Jethro T. Common-Man (Hyphenated)

The battery has to be Enright
The sailor exclaimed De Land!
No one would call him Normal