Monday, December 7, 2009

What Should I Do?

These are things I should be doing instead of blogging:

Finish the details on my will
Go to the art gallery and pick up two framed items
Sweep the snow off the deck and steps
Paint the closet and the bedroom ceiling
Clean out the car
Read a book that is due Wednesday
Fold laundry
Updating and backing up files

All right, there's probably a lot more but how disgusting is this? The last item made me quit. Now I'm ticked about technology. It seems to suck up time. I went shopping on Woot. com a few days back - oh, hang on, what's the deal for today? - Phew. Toshiba 26” LCD HDTV with Built-In DVD Player

+ $5 shipping
Condition:NewProduct:1 Toshiba 26LV61K 26” LCD HDTV with DivX Certified Built-In DVD Player
I don't need one of these, I? Anyway, no. I'm already listening to my Woot $20 Sansa Clip which is smaller than a matchbook. THANKFULLY, although I downloaded and printed the manual, I can listen to the FM radio portion without reading beyond the "Here's the power button." Eventually I find a song I have to download, I'm sure. Then Ill figure it out. In the meantime, there's the blog. Oh, and, yes, the list above which shall, I fear, remain incomplete and unfinished. I'll add to it and remove things as they are done though.
I call this progress. And, isn't that what all this technology brings us too? Progress. Ah, yes.
My life IS a work in progress.

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