Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Modern Grinch Foiled!

Over the holidays a crime was committed.

You all know the joy of Christmas lights, either in your own yard or in neighborhoods you've enjoyed visiting, maybe even parades or festivals of lights. Lots of people get into it.

Such was the case with a faraway friend who thrilled those around him by putting out a glorious display of Christmas decorations, adorned with lights. Nothing so fancy that it was one of a kind, but clever and familiar and welcoming.

Apparently a little too welcoming in this case as the happy homeowner returned from a day's work to find the front yard devoid of ornamentation. In plain language, stuff was gone. Stolen. Grinched.

What to do? There was no choice but to take a modern day approach to the situation and write to the editor of the local newspaper (still in existence). A promise or threat was made, depending upon how you look at it. The deal was if the theft returned the stolen items then the rightful owner would not post the photos taken of the thieving person on YouTube. A-ha!

The villan called the crafty property owner and confessed.

Items were removed from her front yart and returned to the letterwriter.

A full confession included that the person was more concerned with being seen on YouTube than being caught by or turned in to the police.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Is this for real?

Ah, the power of the internet!
You Tube to the rescue. Who knew!

Of course, you could also verify the power of the hidden camera with Michael Phelps.

Not only is Big Brother watching, but so to is ye neighbor.