Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It would not do to be spied by acquaintances so I left my old pair of sunglasses on during this trip. I flew in from points unmentioned, just to flutter around and pun-ish my friends and relatives.

Here's a true instance of "Life is too short". I left my wings parked at this place but a restless night has me convinced I need to go get them. My plan is to put them on and walk down the street. Maybe I'll get the green hair in the earlier posting too.

Why not? It's $15 of entertainment for me and whoever sees me. What can you get for $15 these days? Plus, think of how it will be passed along at the dinner table. Do people still have dinner tables and use them?

Him: "Guess what I saw today, Gorgeous."
Her: "Another tool you can't live without."
Kid: "A video game I don't have."
Him: "Neither. It was a green haired angel walking down the street."
Her and Kid: "uh-huh"

Either I'll bring back "family time" or it'll die altogether.
That's the angel angle.


Linda Greeen said...

Okay, this explains the trail of white feathers I have noticed whenever I have walked behing you!

You Little Stinker of an Angel!

When,oh when, did you get your wings. And, did you get to hang-out with Gary Grant while you were earning them? Now, I am truly envious!!!!! Isn't he a fabulous ice-skater?

Linda Green said...

Last time, I have tried leaving "very nice" comments, and I keep getting error messages.

Anyway, I am wondering when you earned those wings. AND, did you hang-out with Gary Grant during your probation period? Did you go ice skating with him? NOW I am REALLY JEALOUS!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Have you seen the movie, Michael with John Travolta?
