Monday, March 15, 2010

What Can You Make of This?

A few years back, when really nice cards cost about $1.95, I bought one for myself. No, I didn't mail it; I just wanted what it said. It was from the "Life & other Journeys" series from the privately held card company, based in KC, MO.

Anyway, it was during a time when I was juggling philosophies and passions. The front "title" is TEN THINGS TO MAKE BESIDES MONEY and on the front also were the words "Merry", "do", and "sense". Inside were these words: "amends",  "peace (as a symbol)", "waves", "room", "time", "love", "believe".

What can you add?
I chose to add a few:
"up", "out", "cookies", "better", "change", "nice", "good", "right", "history", "ends meet", "memories".

I guess make "smiles" happen needs its own place!
Toss yours into the comment box!


Unknown said...

Color Ink Printer Cartridges that don't dry out prematurely.
Pulled pork in a crock pot
Fresh blackberries with HEB Creamy Creations Vanilla Ice Cream
Fresh Strawberries with HEB Creamy Creations Vanilla Ice Cream
Fresh Peaches with HEB Creamy Creations Vanilla Ice Cream
A smudge pot to keep the aforementioned peaches from freezing on the peach trees tonight and tomorrow night.
How big is this card?
How many add-ons will it hold?
Should I stop now?

Kate said...


Make trouble...?