Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There's Always Room for Joy

Oh, I have Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, Deep In My  Heart, Deep In My Heart...There are days when the life of a volunteer seems to hold little promise. One step forward two steps back. You' ve been there, done that, doing it again kinds of stuff.
Today was different.
Thanks to a generous friend, Joy, seen in this post, was able to go to a local vet for a spa treatment where she enjoyed a couple of night's rest, a bath and combout, and trimmed nails. She won the hearts of all who met her.

I picked her up and off we went to a special adoption event at the Illinois State Fair. I won't drag this out. Joy has met a woman who wants her and has completed the adoption forms so she can give her a home which will be shared with two other dogs. There are 4 doggie swimming pools and a good fenced yard.
Joy arrived at the shelter with her litter of pups. They were easily adopted out. She's been good-natured and friendly and she has dog friends and human fans galore.

Joy is 8 years and some months old.

This is her first real home.

Do I hear an AMEN?

You don't need to say it...I know deep in your heart, you have JOY!

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