Three weeks ago a challenge brought three strong, resourceful women together to change life for two young female Pit/Lab mixes. We made it happen, with plenty of prayer and reaching out to a world of pet lovers, friends and networkers. It was so worth every investment because both are safe now. Personally it took me back to believing there are many really good people and I'm blessed to be in the midst of several "circles" of them, undeservedly so, I know. I had forgotten it for awhile; having been and probably still, a target of some unearned nastiness. But love and goodness triumphs and reigns. Lesson: Stay surrounded by the right people.
God played a huge and, as He often does, a comical role in the endeavor. There's no doubt in my mind that some FB friends, some email friends, some people I see in my going around town(s) rolled their eyes a time or two because of the pleading for the two dogs. The younger one went easily to a no-kill shelter (thank you DL w/HSCI) but the stronger one had a tougher match to make. She not only looks more pittie --- adorably so --- but is mostly black. Either feature is tough to "sell" and we knew it would take the right person to go beyond them together. She got lots of training and proved to be a quick learner and we knew that would help but still...While we fretted God was chuckling. After all we were doing, all our reaching out, God made her "foster" mom late for a meeting and then opened her up to tell the group of associates why she was late.
Sitting right next to this woman was this dog's savior, and "M" will prove to be his.
You see, this dog will be a soul mate to a US Marine veteran who needs a service dog. She will be trained to be at his side, to reassure him, and to give him undivided loyalty and love. God was just letting us go thru the motions and run up against deadlines about what would happen (as of tomorrow) when she could no longer be at this foster home. We were down to counting hours. Yes, the mister and I decided we'd try having her here, with the spoiled six. Admittedly, each stressful prayer was answered with an "I've got this one." and it proved true. We stayed busy while God set the scene up for the right guy to come forward.
For those of you into the mystery of events, yes, third time was a charm. We had intro'd her to a woman who committed to letting me know her decision no later than yesterday. There was no follow up and we had already decided that none was expected. Then a dear friend up north put together a moving plan for this precious pup; we kept that on the back burner in case the meet/greet did not work out. As always, QK9C has a remarkable and dedicated team.The northerners were all excited when they were told she it did. Nice to hear folks unified to help and happy there are results. The right dog will join them soon, I know.
So thank you, friends near and far, and thank you God. This dog and the adventure of re-homing her has been a blessing for each of us. Her journey is beginning anew and will be amazing. She will bring out the best in her new companion and he will do the same for her. It's all "good to go".
(No photos because of the untold histories)
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