Friday, October 11, 2013

Sappy Story At Harvest Time

Well, last night we did something we don't do very often; we had a sleepover. Two German Shepherd Dogs were traveling from AR to WI to a rescue. They needed a place to spend the night. We gave it to them. They're crate trained so lounged all they wanted in big crates in the garage. There are 6 dogs in the house already.

This morning I got out early and took them both for a walk. Neighbors farm and are harvesting so we had an already emptied field on the other side of our wooded land in which to mosey for about 20 minutes before they had to go meet their driver to head north of here. We agreed it was time for me to get to work (after driving them to the meeting place).

Here's what happens: Each year I help this neighboring farmer harvest. He always does a lot more than I do but I'm certain I help because there's always crop for me to get out each year, regardless of whether he plants corn or beans. He probably doesn't even know I help out but that's OK. Like me today, he has his hands full.

The crop I harvest is golf balls. They are obviously planted by another neighbor as the farmer doesn't look to be any more of a golfer than I do, maybe less. Besides, neither one of us would lose our balls in the field.

You can see that I had a pretty good harvest today. Actually it was two trips, one with the guests and then one with my big guy, my Tripp, a dog now resting because it was a workout walking the field. It all went well. You can see how loaded down I was in the images. But there's an issue I cannot resolve. You can comment if you want but mainly this is just something to think about when you're watching mindless television or "reading" a graphic novel or pulling weeds or sorting US mail received any day. That makes it rhetorical.

Here's the question: If when he plants corn and I harvest golf balls I can call them cornballs then what do I call them when he plants soybeans and I harvest golf balls? Bean balls is a bit of a cornball idea. We have our share of those in our small town (cornball ideas) but no one reading this should even begin to suggest this is a reference to them.That's been thought before and it was wrong then so it's wrong now. That's my disclaimer and I have the balls to say so.

Now it all got more complex today because on the way back up our driveway I spotted a white pine pine cone on the ground. So what? Well, I'm harvesting those for a landscaping company so naturally had to stop and pick it up since I have harvesting bags near the garage. But upon bending over I started to lose my balls. First one fell out. I picked it up and as I did two more fell out, one bouncing on the asphalt which meant we had to chase it. I was jiggling my balls as I scurried to get it. But of course my left hand is now covered with sticky substance, sap from the pine cone. That meant only one thing: taking the photos with my phone camera would cause the phone to get sticky.

Well, it's time to call Holly and tell her I've got fresh balls for her.

Life can be very complicated sometimes.

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