Sunday, December 20, 2009

Burning the Midnight Candle

Well, not exactly midnight, let's call it the 9:00 candle.

It doesn't have the same ring to it. Keeps the story truthful though.

You see, last night our good friends T & P came by with their annual contribution to our Christmas Calorie Count - a huge plate of greaties (too awesome to be goodies). Silly me, I lit a candle in the kitchen for aroma. That was fine and I could have quit there but nOOOO. There was a cute snowball candle on a stand which happened to be on top of the television. I lit the candle.

"Brown" came with a package for me too. We're a late delivery because we are on the way home for the driver. We all were excited to see my new yard statue of St. Francis (I know enough to know he watches over animals. Those two years at the convent I did learn something about the Catholic faith.) We all oo'd and ahh'd and they went on their way. St. Francis went to get dried off and safely placed in a corner for now (facing out, it was not a time out for him).

I set about reading email, Facebook, and sorting photos. My dear you-know-who snoozed while reading and watching tv, only to awake and say, "We have a problem with the television." Thankyouverymuch.

Yes, I (could it please be we?) had left the snowball candle a-glowin' a bit too long and the wax of the candle was now the wax of the tv set. Boo hiss

Not to worry, not for long anyway. I got it off using a dull, dull, dull knife blade and an old soft cloth.
Today if I took a before and after photo they'd look the same.
But I won't.
I'd just invite repeating this event as I'd then have to sort those photos along with the remaining ones which need sorting. Can I get a Bah-humbug here?

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