Sunday, December 27, 2009


Beautiful as this is - and it truly is - a word to the wise: Mosquitoes still linger! YES! One crossed my path indoors today. If you have a dog it could get heartworm.

It could get it anytime of the year.

Be sure you give heartworm preventative throughout the year! Make it a resolution. Mark your calendars now. Call the vet in the morning.

The treatments are painful. Recovery time is lengthy and the dogs get restless.

Do the right thing and do it now.


This email note came to me and I have to share it as it is pertinent to this entry. If you're ever in doubt of what to get as a gift remember this. Cat lovers/owners could benefit from flea protection or a gift certificate to go to the vet for a check up. OK, maybe that's an awkward sentence...the owners are probably not needing flea protection for themselves and probably go to a regular doctor. But, their cats would appreciate the gift. Hee hee

Speaking of your most recent entry on Paws to Love, you'll never believe what a friend of mine gave me for Christmas. 4 bully sticks, 2 Kong toys, and a YEAR'S SUPPLY of Heart Guard for EACH of my girls!!! Talk about someone who really knows the things I need and love! I don't think I've ever been so touched--or at such a loss for words!

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