Thursday, January 7, 2010

Walked out early this a.m. to a lot of snow and this shot called out - I titled it Morning Glory as it is, in fact, seed pods of morning glories.
Tripp deserved as much time outside as he wanted - on his own, able to explore and frollick in the snow. He's a big, serious boy who loves his time to survey the property.
The two young trees I call Dressed to Dance for they look as they were intended to be draped in the elegance of snow.

Not the best - w/o makeup and very early plus a FLASH. What was I thinking? Oh, maybe I wasn't. Brain Freeze.

The house from near the road. Nothing could be finer. There remain a few of the tall grasses which now mark the creek's path.

Harmony and Baxter bolt out of the door and don't stop running until they are wiped out. Even in the coldness and snow they romp, play tag, and tear around the yard. We're so glad they do; cabin fever is a dangerous condition!

I can't get photos of deer because of screens and fences but the birds know I'm shooting only with a camera. In the past I've captured cardinals but this week I find myself drawn to the Flicker.

The charmingly sly fox can't hide well at a friend's house. Nancy took this terrific photo in her country yard.


Anonymous said...

Great photography. Looks like a vacation spot. Don't you love NOT living in a sub-division?

Unknown said...

What great photos. I've temporarily made the shot of your house as my desktop background. It looks like a winter wonderland scene, something we don't get to have in West Texas.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You look cross-eyed! Great shot!