Monday, January 4, 2010

Highway Girl

Over 1560 dogs and cats were transported from kill facilities to no-kill shelters, adoptive homes, or temporary foster homes by the 100% volunteer group dedicated to making certain they each have a ride from the far southwest edge of Illinois to the Chicago suburbs, city, and on into Wisconsin. Once at their final destination they often having loving and anxious people waiting to cuddle them and give them their forever homes.

When you think you can't do something, you can. If all you can do is donate old bedding - that's enough. If all you can do is give the gift of a gas card to help with transporting, thank you. If all you can do is tell someone you appreciate what they are doing, it is inspiring.

Maybe the day will come when you adopt, or drive, or tell someone else about the programs that save lives. After all, we know we're not just saving the dogs and cats. We're saving the humans too.

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