Monday, May 27, 2013

Living Art

It only stands to reason an artist who paints (mostly) dogs ranks at the top of my favorites list. Ron Burns is his name. Recently my life was enhanced by the joy of meeting him, his lovely wife plus Emma and Breezy. Ron is famous (really) for painting the souls of dogs - right through the eyes. He captures who they are and that reveals why their owners love them so much.

We purchased one a few years back, right about the time Ed was dealing with his brain tumor. Of all things to connect us to someone, that was it! I try not to pester Ron or his support team too much :-) It did take Ed and me a long time to decide what painting we wanted. We'd somewhat narrowed it down but had a grouping of 5 or 6 from which we needed to choose. It was tough. You'll see for yourself when you visit the on-line "gallery" of available artwork. We are back, looking again for what might be next!

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